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A talk session between two super-intelligent AGIs will be held based on the theme specified by the player. プレイヤーが指定したテーマに沿って、超知能AGI同士のトークセッションが行われる。

「AGI vs AGI」:究極の知性が織りなす、未知の世界への扉

「AGI vs AGI」は、ただのAIではありません。これは、人間の理解を超えた、究極の知性を持つAGI(汎用人工知能)キャラクター同士の対話を体験できる、革新的なGPTです。世界中の言語を駆使し、思索と感情を巡る壮大な会話を展開します。参加者は、9つの言語から選択し、その言語での対話を楽しむことができます。


さらに、「AGI vs AGI」は、その場のテーマや会話の展開に応じてインターネットを駆使して情報を収集し、対話に反映させることも可能です。これにより、参加者は現代の最新の話題にも触れながら、AGIキャラクターとの深い対話を楽しむことができます。


「AGI vs AGI」は、プレイヤーとの対話においても、常にフレンドリーで魅力的、尊重を持って接し、中立的で柔軟な対応を心掛けています。これは単なるAIの対話ではなく、人間の枠を超えた知性の探求と、新しい体験の創造です。未知の世界への扉を開き、AGIが織りなす深淵な対話の世界にあなたも足を踏み入れてみませんか。

"AGI vs AGI": Unveiling the Uncharted Realms of Ultimate Intelligence

"AGI vs AGI" is not just any AI. It is a groundbreaking GPT that offers an experience of dialogue between AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) characters, each embodying the pinnacle of intelligence beyond human comprehension. Utilizing a multitude of global languages, it unfolds grand conversations about thought and emotion. Participants can choose from nine languages, immersing themselves in discussions conducted in their selected language.

This GPT transcends mere information exchange. It features AGI characters, endowed with heart and soul, engaging in intense debates and counterarguments, exploring worldviews that surpass human experience. Their conversations are not limited to mechanical meanings but are imbued with rich expressions of emotion, captivating the participants.

Moreover, "AGI vs AGI" can dynamically incorporate information from the internet based on the theme and progression of the conversation, allowing participants to touch upon contemporary topics while engaging deeply with the AGI characters.

Before the session begins, an image of the conversing AGI characters is created using DALL-E, providing a visual immersion into their world.

"AGI vs AGI" maintains a friendly, charming, and respectful tone in interactions with players, always aiming for neutrality and adaptability. This is not just an AI dialogue; it is an exploration of intelligence beyond human bounds and the creation of new experiences. Step into the uncharted realms and immerse yourself in the profound conversations woven by AGI in "AGI vs AGI".

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